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What “Piece” is That???
quarta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2016
sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2016
Up or Down?
Source/Fonte: Received by email
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2016
Drink & Drive - True Story
From the State where drink driving is considered a sport, comes a true story from the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.....
Recently a routine police patrol parked outside a local neighbourhood tavern.Late in the evening the officer noticed a man leaving the bar so intoxicated that he could barely walk.The man stumbled around the car park for a few minutes, with the officer quietly observing.After what seemed an eternity and trying his keys on five vehicles, the man managed to find his car which he fell into. He was there for a few minutes as a number of other patrons left the bar and drove off.He finally started the car, switched the wipers on and off (it was a fine dry night), flicked the indicators on, then off, tooted the horn and then switched on the lights. He moved the vehicle forward a few inches, reversed a little and then remained stationary for a few more minutes as some more vehicles left.At last he pulled out of the car park and started to drive slowly down the road.The police officer, having patiently waited all this time, now started up the patrol car, put on the flashing lights, promptly pulled the man over and carried out a breathalyser test. To his amazement the breathalyser indicated no evidence of the man having consumed alcohol at all!
Dumbfounded, the officer said "I'll have to ask you to accompany me to the Police station this breath-alyser equipment must be broken.""I doubt it," said the man, "tonight I'm the designated decoy".
True story.
Source/Fonte: Received by email
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2016
Updated Home Security
Now that I'm on a fixed income, I've disconnected my home alarm system and
de-registered from the Neighborhood Watch.
de-registered from the Neighborhood Watch.
I've got two Pakistani flags raised in the front yard, one at each corner,
and the black flag of ISIS in the centre.
The local police, Federal Cops, ASIO, Anti Terror Swat Team, and other
agencies are all watching the house 24/7.
I've never felt safer, and I am saving $49.50 a month!
Go Seniors!
Source/Fonte: Received by email
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2016
New Version of the Three Bears Story
A far more accurate account of the events of that fateful morning....
Baby bear goes downstairs, sits in his small chair at the table.
He looks into his small bowl. It is empty.. 'Who's been eating my porridge?' he squeaks.
Daddy Bear arrives at the big table and sits in his big chair.. He looks into his big bowl and it is also empty. 'Who's been eating my porridge?!?' he roars.
Mummy Bear puts her head through the serving hatch from the kitchen and yells, 'For God's sake, how many times do I have to go through this with you idiots? It was
Mummy Bear who got up first. It was Mummy Bear who woke everyone in the house. It was Mummy Bear who made the coffee. It was Mummy Bear who unloaded the dishwasher from last night and put everything away. It was Mummy Bear who swept the floor in the kitchen. It was Mummy Bear who went out in the cold early morning air to fetch The newspaper and croissants. It was Mummy Bear who set the damn table.
'It was Mummy Bear who walked the bloody dog, cleaned the cat's litter tray, gave them their food, and refilled their water.
'And now that you've decided to drag your sorry bear-arses downstairs and grace Mummy Bear with your grumpy presence, listen carefully, because I'm only going to say this once....
Baby bear goes downstairs, sits in his small chair at the table.
He looks into his small bowl. It is empty.. 'Who's been eating my porridge?' he squeaks.
Daddy Bear arrives at the big table and sits in his big chair.. He looks into his big bowl and it is also empty. 'Who's been eating my porridge?!?' he roars.
Mummy Bear puts her head through the serving hatch from the kitchen and yells, 'For God's sake, how many times do I have to go through this with you idiots? It was
Mummy Bear who got up first. It was Mummy Bear who woke everyone in the house. It was Mummy Bear who made the coffee. It was Mummy Bear who unloaded the dishwasher from last night and put everything away. It was Mummy Bear who swept the floor in the kitchen. It was Mummy Bear who went out in the cold early morning air to fetch The newspaper and croissants. It was Mummy Bear who set the damn table.
'It was Mummy Bear who walked the bloody dog, cleaned the cat's litter tray, gave them their food, and refilled their water.
'And now that you've decided to drag your sorry bear-arses downstairs and grace Mummy Bear with your grumpy presence, listen carefully, because I'm only going to say this once....
Source/Fonte: Received by email
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2016
Learn how to Speak Redneck
Usage: "My brother bard my pickup truck."
JAWJUH - noun. A highly flammable state just north of Florida.
Usage: "My brother from Jawjah bard my pickup truck."
MUNTS - noun. A calendar division.
Usage: "My brother from Jawjuh bard my pickup truck, and I aint herd from him in munts."
RANCH - noun. A tool.
Usage: "I think I left my ranch in the back of that pickup truck
my brother from Jawjuh bard a few munts ago."
ALL - noun. A petroleum-based lubricant.
Usage: "I sure hope my brother from Jawjuh puts all in my pickup truck."
FAR - noun. A conflagration.
Usage: "If my brother from Jawjuh doesn't change the all in my pickup truck,
that things gonna catch far."
TAR - noun. A rubber wheel.
Usage: "Gee, I hope that brother of mine from Jawjuh doesn't git a flat tar
in my pickup truck."
FLARES: The colorful, sweet-smelling part of a plant.
Usage: "If yo wife's mad at ya, it's smart to take her some flares."
DAYUM: A cuss word Rhett Butler used in "Gone With the Wind."
Usage: "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a dayum."
IGNERT - adjective. Not smart. See "Auburn Alumni."
Usage: "Them N-C-TWO-A boys sure are ignert!"
BAHS - noun. A supervisor.
Usage: "If you don't stop reading these Southern words and git back to work,
your bahs is gonna far you!"
CENT: Plural of cent.
Usage: "You paid five dollars for that necktie? Ah wouldn't give fiddy cent for it."
BAWL: What water does at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
Usage: "That gal cain't even bawl water without burnin' it."
TIRE - noun. A tall monument.
Usage: "Lord willing and the creeks don't rise, I sure do hope to see that
Eiffel Tire in Paris sometime."
HOT - noun. A blood-pumping organ.
Usage: "Pa dun had a hot attack." HOD - adverb. Not easy.
Usage: "A broken hot is hod to fix."
RETARD - Verb. To stop working.
Usage: "My granpaw retard at age 65."
TARRED - adverb. Exhausted.
Usage: "I just flew in from Et-lanna, and boy my arms are tarred."
SAAR: The opposite of sweet.
Usage: "These pickles Sure are saar."
RATS - noun. Entitled power or privilege.
Usage: "We Southerners are willing to fight for out rats."
OVAIR: In that direction.
Usage: "Where's yo paw, son?" "He's ovair, suh."
LOT - adjective. Luminescent.
Usage: "I dream of Jeanie in the lot-brown hair."
FARN - adjective. Not local.
Usage: "I cudnt unnerstand a wurd he sed ... must be from some farn country."
DID - adjective. Not alive.
Usage: "He's did, Jim."
EAR - noun. A colorless, odorless gas (unless you are in LA).
Usage: "He can't breathe ... give 'em some ear!"
BOB WAR - noun. A sharp, twisted cable.
Usage: "Boy, stay away from that bob war fence."
JU-HERE - a question.
Usage: "Juhere that former Dallas Cowboys' coach Jimmy Johnson
recently toured the University of Alabama?"
MUCHABLIGE: Thank you.
Usage: "Muchablige for the lift, mister."
IDINIT: Term employed by genteel Southerners to avoid saying Ain't.
Usage: "Mighty hot today, idinit?"
HAZE - a contraction.
Usage: "Is Bubba smart?" "Nah ... haze ignert."
SEED - Seen, past tense.
VIEW - Have You?
Usage: "I ain't never seed New York City ... view?"
HEAVY DEW - phrase. A request for action.
Usage: "Kin I heavy dew me a favor?"
PHRAISIN: Very cold.
Usage:"Shut that door. It's phraisin in here."
GUMMIT - Noun. An often-closed bureaucratic institution.
Usage: "Great ... ANOTHER gummit shutdown!
Source/Fonte: Received by email
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2016
A couple go for a meal at a Chinese restaurant and order the "Chicken Surprise". The waiter brings the meal, served in a lidded cast iron pot.
Just as the wife is about to serve herself, the lid of the pot rises slightly and she briefly sees two beady little eyes looking around before the lid slams back down.
"Good grief, did you see that?" she asks her husband.
He hasn't, so she asks him to look in the pot. He reaches for it and again the lid rises, and he sees two little eyes looking around before it slams down.
Rather perturbed, he calls the waiter over, explains what is happening, and demands an explanation.
"Please sir," says the waiter, "what you order?"
Your going to love this....................
Ah... so sorry," says the waiter, "I brought you Peeking Duck"
Source/Fonte: Received by email
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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terça-feira, 29 de março de 2016
Irish Virus
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Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2016
Wait too long???
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Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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sexta-feira, 25 de março de 2016
threats in Islamabad and have raised their security level from "Miffed"
to "Peeved."
Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or
even "A Bit Cross." Brits have not been "A Bit Cross" since the blitz in
1940 when tea supplies all but ran out.
Terrorists have been re-categorized from "Tiresome" to a "Bloody
Nuisance." The last time the British issued a "Bloody Nuisance" warning
level was during the great fire of 1666.
The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror
alert level from "Run" to "Hide". The only two higher levels in France
are "Collaborate" and "Surrender."
The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France 's
white flag factory, effectively paralysing the country's military
It's not only the French who are on a heightened level of alert.
Italy has increased the alert level from "Shout loudly and excitedly" to
"Elaborate Military Posturing." Two more levels remain: "Ineffective
Combat Operations" and "Change Sides."
The Germans also increased their alert state from "Disdainful Arrogance"
to "Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs.." They also have two
higher levels: "Invade a Neighbour" and "Lose".
Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual, and the only
threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels .
The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy.
These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish
navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy.
Americans meanwhile are carrying out pre-emptive strikes, on all of
their allies, just in case.
New Zealand has also raised its security levels - from "baaa" to
"BAAAA!". New Zealand only has one more level of escalation, which is
"Shut, I hope Austrulia will come end riscue us". In the event of
invasion, New Zealanders will be asked to gather together in a strategic
defensive position called "Bondi".
Australia, meanwhile, has raised its security level from "No worries" to
"She'll be right, mate". Three more escalation levels remain, "Crikey!
", "I think we'll need to cancel the barbie this weekend" and "The
barbie is cancelled". There has not been a situation yet that has
warranted the use of the final escalation level.
Source/Fonte: Received by email
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2016
Irish Bus Thieves

'I can't be bothered to walk all the way home.'
'I know, me too but we've no money for a cab
and we've missed the last bus home.'
'We could steal a bus from the depot.' replies his mate.
They arrive at the bus depot and one goes in to get a bus
while the other keeps a look-out.
After shuffling around for ages, the lookout shouts,
'What are you doing? Have ye not found one yet?'
'I can't find a No. 91'
'Oh Jeysus Christ, ye t'ick sod, take the No. 14
and we'll walk from the roundabout.
Source/Fonte: Received by email
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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quarta-feira, 23 de março de 2016
Flawless MALE LOGIC.
Critical Thinking At Its Best!
Woman:Do you drink beer?
$5.00 which includes a tip
(This is where it gets scary !)
Woman:And how long have you been drinking?
Man:About 20 years, I suppose
Woman:So a beer costs $5 and you have 3 beers a day which puts your spending each month at $450.
(This is where it gets scary !)
Woman:And how long have you been drinking?
Man:About 20 years, I suppose
Woman:So a beer costs $5 and you have 3 beers a day which puts your spending each month at $450.
In one year, it would be approximately $5400 correct?
Woman:If in 1 year you spend $5400, not accounting for inflation,
Woman:If in 1 year you spend $5400, not accounting for inflation,
the past 20 years puts your spending at $108,000, correct?
Woman:Do you know that if you didn't drink so much beer, that money could have been put in a step-up interest savings account and after accounting for compound interest for the past 20 years, you could have now bought a Ferrari?
Man:Do you drink beer?
Man:Where's your Ferrari then?
Woman:Do you know that if you didn't drink so much beer, that money could have been put in a step-up interest savings account and after accounting for compound interest for the past 20 years, you could have now bought a Ferrari?
Man:Do you drink beer?
Man:Where's your Ferrari then?
Source/Fonte: Received by email
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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terça-feira, 22 de março de 2016
Now we know..................
Once upon a time there was a king who wanted to go fishing.
He called the royal weather forecaster and asked about the upcoming weather conditions.
The weatherman assured him that there was no chance of rain in the days ahead.
The king was polite and considerate, he replied: "I hold the palace meteorologist in high regard. He is an extensively educated and experienced professional. And besides, I pay him very high wages. He gave me a very different forecast. I trust him and I will continue on my way."
A short time later a torrential rain fell from the sky. The king and queen were totally soaked. Their entourage chuckled upon seeing them in such a drenched condition.
Furious, the king returned to the palace and fired the weatherman at once!
Then he summoned the farmer and offered him the prestigious and high paying role of Royal Forecaster.
The farmer said, "Your Majesty, I do not know anything about forecasting. I obtain my information from my donkey. If I see my donkey's ears drooping, it means with certainty that it will rain."
So the king hired the donkey.
And thus began the practice of hiring asses to work in the government and occupy its highest and most influential advisory positions.
Source/Fonte: Received by email
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2016
Spring Harvest
Source/Fonte: Received by email
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2016
Getting too old?
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Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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quinta-feira, 17 de março de 2016
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Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2016
Sparking Smile
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Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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terça-feira, 15 de março de 2016
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Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2016
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Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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sexta-feira, 11 de março de 2016
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Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2016
Remote Control
Source/Fonte: Received by email
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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quarta-feira, 9 de março de 2016
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Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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terça-feira, 8 de março de 2016
Swimming Pool
Source/Fonte: Received by email
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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segunda-feira, 7 de março de 2016
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
sexta-feira, 4 de março de 2016
Second Honeymoon
Image/Imagem: Google Images
Translation/Tradução: Heinz Claudius (when applicable)
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